This was our workout (after a warmup and mobility) ( warmup was rowing, yay!)( plus other stuff like lunge with twist, goblet squats, wall walks, and broad jumps)
Back Squat - 2x10 . I did 25lbs. Squats are not my forte. At All. I'd rather do 100 burpees than 10 back squats. Or front squats. Or air squats.
5 Rounds of:
2 min AMRAP of:
30 Double Unders (If cannot do 30 unbroken consistently, scale = 30 Lateral Jumps over bar)
15 PowerSnatch (75/55)
*Rest 1 min bw Rounds
Score is worst round total reps.
WooHoo! My score was 45. I did lateral jumps and my PowerSnatch was way under at 25. Seriously, 25. The baby bar and some 5 lb weights. Because I thought that 75 reps of the ten lb weights would kill me :) So, not close to Rx on this one. Yet.
Oh, here's something amusing. Miss L has 'convinced' me to join in the Crossfit Open this year. So glad that there is a scaled option. And an age class, I think. Cause I'm old.....