Well, rowing, yay! Thrusters, not so much yay. My thruster max has been, like 35 lbs.....
Workout 15.5
27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row (calories)
Men use 95 lb. Women use 65 lb.
Luckily, I can do the scaled workout!
Scaled (Scaled
Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters
Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters
Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row (calories)
Men use 65 lb. Women use 45 lb.
I was really nervous about this one. But Alli talked me through the whole thing. Thanks Alli!! That's what so great about crossfit: the peer support :) My goal was finishing in under an hour. Mags told me that I'd better go fast, because he was cutting me off in 20 minutes, lol. So I did it. 16:57.
I LOVE rowing. Seriously -- it's my favourite exercise! (not rowing on the water. Least favourite thing ever)
Anyway-- this ended up being my most successful workout (I know, don't compare...)
So 15.4 was handstand pushups and cleans. Hahahahaha. I'll work towards them for next year :)
Workout 15.4
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
6 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
9 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
12 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
15 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
18 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
21 handstand push-ups
9 cleans
Etc., adding 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds.
Men clean 185 lb.
Women clean 125 lb.
This is what I did:
Scaled (Scaled
Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters
Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters
Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 cleans
Men push press 95 lb. and clean 115 lb. Women push press 65 lb. and clean 75 lb.OMG - push press and clean. It almost killed me -- but it didn't :) This has been my best result so far.
2 more Super Strong women in the announcement challenge.
Workout 15.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 muscle-ups
50 wall-ball shots
100 double-unders
Men use 20-lb. ball to 10 feet, Women use 14-lb. ball to 9 feet
Whew, no muscle ups in the scaled version..... but wait! Where are the double unders??? I have practiced so hard and have finally mastered them. Singles don't feel "right". I really think that double unders are a basic skill and can be chipped through a few at a time :) Grrrrrr...... but I was very happy to see that the weight of the ball was 10 lb though. I've been practicing with an 8 lb ball and the jump to 14 was a bit much for me (I tried). But, dammit, I could have done the RX version had the muscle ups been at the end -- like the over 55 masters!!! (and just taken a 150 score) (oh well, something to look forward to for when I'm 55....). BUT we can't pick and choose our favourite parts in a workout, so lets move on.....
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
50 wall-ball shots
200 single-unders
Men use 20-lb. ball to 9 feet, Women use 10-lb. ball to 9 feet
So, when I did the workout on Friday at the gym, I was judged by Tom, who I don't know. I got to the skipping and he counts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,20... etc and I kept tripping. I had to stop and ask him to count straight through. He did it for me (even though it tired him out). But I stopped tripping. Again, this was one that I wished to have a second go at (but I won't). I'm sure it will come up in one of our regular WOD's after the open. But, of course, then I'll do double unders :)
Anyway -- made it through 2 sets of 50 wallballs (with many breaks) and a full set of 200 singles and then 104 more. It is what it is. (special thanks to Mags who taught me how to do wallballs -- I still have difficulty catching, but the thrust and throw is going fine)
So, what's coming up? Burpees, I'm sure, .... box jumps? thrusters? rowing? and more lifting, ugh. I would wish for handstands if they didn't include the push up part :)
oh, and bye the way, I'm sore today in places I've never been sore before. My forearms. My wrists. And my quads are killing me. But that's nothing new :)
So, this week's WOD for the Open was a repeat of last year's 14.2. Since I didn't do CrossFit last year, it's all new to me :).
Workout 15.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
Overhead Squats and Chest to Bar? Really?
Have a look at these 2 super strong women competing immediately after the announcement of the workout. (fast forward to the 9 minute mark if you want to skip the preamble)
This is what I'll be doing :)
Scaled (Scaled
Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters
Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters
Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
6 overhead squats (65 / 45 lb.)
6 chin-over-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
8 overhead squats (65 / 45 lb.)
8 chin-over-barpull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats (65 / 45 lb.)
10 chin-over-barpull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds Overhead Squats at 45lbs.... maybe.... but Chin over Bar??? not yet!
I did this workout on Friday night -- and almost keeled over during the 6 squats. I did banded Chin to bar pull ups -- so my pull ups didn't count. I think that I made it to 4 squats into the next round... so my workout was finished in 3 minutes. The fastest WOD I've ever done :) Unfortunately, fast time is a bad thing in this workout, lol. And thank you, once again, to Steph, who insisted that I could do those 45lb squats.... and I did :)
So, 15.2 -- score of 6
If you check out the Leaderboard, you will see that I am in good company with my score of 6. Even many RX people scored 10! Those C2B's are hard! BUT, the upside? I've kind of got the rhythm of the pull up movement now, so I will practice them a lot from now to next years open!
And really, for me this is all about the workout -- and doing my personal best. I am breaking all of my previous "records", so I'm very happy that I am doing something right!
p.s. The Lovely Miss L is competing as well. Her score for 15.2 was 132. Holey smokes she's strong :)
So, I have been coerced into participating into the Open. Pressure from the homefront (Miss L) and from the Gym (Tidal).
I just LOVE that I am competing in the Masters category :) I'm a master. hah!
Workout 15.1 and 15.1a were announced on Thursday night. I didn't sleep very well Thursday night. From worry.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of: 15 hanging knee raises 10 deadlifts (85 / 55 lb.) 5 snatches* (85 / 55 lb.) *ground-to-overhead allowed
I was a bit lot worried. I can deadlift 55lb in a workout, no problem. But snatch? uh uh. My max snatch was 40lb :) But ground to overhead? maybe?
But on Friday I did it! Yay me!
But most impressive (to myself, don't burst my bubble) I clean and jerked 80 lbs! My PR was 45!
My biggest surprise -- Those hanging knee raises whipped my butt!
A HUGE thanks to Coach Stephanie who talked me through the whole workout.
So, I am totally pumped and even feel that I could have done better -- part of me wanted to try again right away :) (Yes, I know that I still could, but I won't).
The reveal for 15.2 will come this Thursday night - 8pm EST (March 5). I really hope that it doesn't have box jumps. Because I'm just ready this week to move up to a higher box and I'm not even sure if it will be high enough to be the scaled version! But, I'll try :)