Sunday, February 8, 2015

When I get older I will be stronger..

So.... many people have asked what drew me to CrossFit. Part of it was Miss L's nagging  begging encouragement. The other part went like this.

"Hi Ms. Brown!" (I'm a teacher)
I waved Hi back. But, horror of horrors, the underpart of my arm kept waving (just like a wavin' flag). It was fascinatingly repulsive.

That, my friends, was my wake up call. I was 49, out of shape, and overweight.
So the journey began.
The funniest thing that I remember from the Foundations class what when Mags shooed me out the door and said that I'd be running 100 meters. Then he looked at me and said "you can run, right?". I said "uh, well, I run for the bus sometimes..." But I ran that killer 100 meters. And in a later workouts ran many many more of them.

So, I started CrossFit last May. And remember that wavin arm? Now it stops when I stop.

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